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How can we add students on masteryconnect? I do not see the option "Add students".Please help me. Appreciate you.

Community Novice
Mastery Connect Forum
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In our district in Canvas we crosslink (cross-list) same subject courses for teachers. This allows them to have one course card for each different prep subject, e.g. a teacher with 3 sections of Algebra 1 and 3 sections of Geometry has 2 course cards...

Community Explorer
Mastery Connect Forum
  • 1 Replies

I am brand new to Mastery Connect.  I apologize if this was posted somewhere, but I could really use help to get started.I LOVE the mastery report and I have ran the report which shows me how my entire school performed on each standard on the assessm...

Community Member
Mastery Connect Forum
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For districts using classlink provisioning for mastery connect, did students have to enter an initial unique password (and change their password) before they were successfully linked???  Is there a work-around?

Community Member
Mastery Connect Forum
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Does anyone know how to have students view Mastery Connect scores, correct answers, and assessment questions without having to click in a lot of places through Canvas?

  • 2 Replies

Is it possible to use standards from other states/courses and add that assessment to your tracker?  I am using NGSS science standards, and I have already run out of questions on my topic after just two bell ringers and a 10 question quiz.  I'd like t...

  • 2 Replies

I am in the instructure community. How do I get back to my Mastery Connect Homepage?

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to help teachers in my district  move quizzes that they have created in Canvas to Mastery Connect?  Is this possible, and if so, how do we do it?

  • 1 Replies

Formative assessments have been created and were linked to a curriculum map. Teacher has linked all trackers to her courses and now cannot see the formatives on the tracker from the District. Does the teacher need to sync or update somewhere?

  • 3 Replies

When I go to the Mastery Tracker link on the left side of my course and try to link my mastery trackers using the SIS only 1 of my 2 classes is available in the drop down box. This means that students from only 1 of my 2 classes is in my tracker. How...

  • 1 Replies

I have 2 new teachers that are not getting their activation emails to finish setting up their accounts.  We have checked SPAM and I have sent the activation email 3 times to them.

  • 1 Replies

I am trying to set up a Mastery Tracker for Mastery Connect within my Cross-linked courses. When I get it set up it is only grabbing the information for one of my three classes that are cross-linked. I am not seeing anywhere where I can facilitate it...

  • 1 Replies

Hi!I love the new features in mastery connect and the integration with canvas is amazing! Will there be a way in the future to export mastery of a standard in Mastery connect into Canvas automatically? I know I can manually export it by class, by sta...

  • 1 Replies

Masteryconnect users -- please share your experience of how MasteryConnect works on the Canvas Student App.  Does it work?   Is the experience similar to the browser?   Does anything special have to be done so it works properly on the Canvas Student ...

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