How do I change the owner of a curriculum map?

When you create a curriculum map, you are the map owner by default. However, you can add other owners by adding a team of collaborators to the map. When you add a team of collaborators, the team members become owners of the map and each team member can manage the map.

As a member of a collaborating team, you can select another team to be the owner or select yourself to be the sole owner.

Open Maps

Open Maps

In the Global Navigation menu, click the Maps link [1], then click the Curriculum Maps link [2].

Select Curriculum Map Category

Select Curriculum Map Category

Click a curriculum map category [1]. View a list of curriculum maps in that category [2].

Open Edit Curriculum Map Window

Open Edit Curriculum Map

Click the curriculum map's Edit link.

Select Owner

Edit Curriculum Map

To select a new owner, click the Owner drop-down menu [1] and select an owner.

To save changes, click the Update button [2].