How do I share student progress reports?

After you've generated a progress report as an administrator, you can share the report with parents and others. You can share the report by downloading it and attaching it to an email or by printing it.

You can also directly email individual student progress reports to all parents. The email includes the progress report as an attached PDF file. It also contains a link to the report on the Mastery Connect Parent Portal.

Open Progress Reports

In the Global Navigation Menu, click the Admin link [1]. Then click the Progress Reports link [2].

Download Progress Report

Download Progress Report

To download the report from the Created Progress Reports page, locate the progress report and term on the page. Then click the Download/Print link.

A ZIP file downloads to your local drive. You can extract the PDF files and attach them to emails or print them.

Email Parents

Email Parents

To email all parents an attached copy of their student's progress report, click the Email to Parents link.

Customize Email Message

Customize Email Message

In the Email to Parents window, you can use the default text or customize it by making edits in the message field [1]. To include a link to the Mastery Connect Parent Portal, leave {link} in the message [2].

When you are finished editing, click the Send button [3].

Parent Email

Parent Email

The parent email contains a link to the progress report. It also includes the progress report as an attached PDF file.