Thanks A Lot, Canvas!

Community Contributor

I have worked with a number of Learning Management Systems. Some of which no longer exist and/or have been bought and swallowed up by the more major players in the industry. I have seen the industry change - at least most with helping the student succeed in mind.

One thing that I really appreciate about Canvas is that, 1. not only did they develop their own mobile app, but, 2. they offer it as part of the purchase package and it's already configured!

If you have never had to beat your head against the wall dealing with "some of the other major players" then consider yourself lucky.

And Canvas? Thank you!

Community Participant

Great post  @lturner2 !

And Instructure having an app actually works for students to complete the content that they need to makes a huge difference.  Moving from a school that used Moodlerooms most recently to one that used D2L (both are now on Canvas), I've seen mobile apps that were free offered from other vendors.

The issue was the limitations that those apps had, and how little of the content the students needed to complete was actually doable using only the Mobile app.  This likely is due to Instructure being engineered differently from the ground-up, but nevertheless it is great to have a mobile app for students where the actual students can complete their work on a daily basis.

I also see a lot more attention provided to the app by Instructure.  You can tell they care because they are constantly updating it and upgrading the feature set.  Other vendors I have seen simply release a half-baked product and let it sit there for six months to a year before they take any meaningful action to improve their product.

Definitely wanted to chime in and give Kudos to the Mobile Team at Instructure -- @peytoncraighill ‌

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks  @lturner2 ‌ and  @ken_cooper ‌ -- I shared this with the teams.

Community Contributor

Thanks  @lturner2 ‌ 

 @david_summervi1 ‌ we can use this type of anecdotal evidence when we do our evaluation. Might be useful - discussing the experience of others. #callaghancollegewallsendcampus



Community Champion

I've followed mobile apps specific to the LMS since 2009. It's a big part of my day job! I have never seen a company so dedicated to the mobile user and making a quality mobile experience. It's really, really, really hard to make mobile apps, but even harder to make great mobile apps. The mobile team is constantly in the trenches working to obtain relevant APIs and integrations to make the mobile experience be complimentary to the web experience. It's a job that never ends, but it's good to know it's not a second-class citizen at Instructure and mobile it part of the DNA. 

Community Contributor

You're Welcome,  @stacy_lambert 

I wish I could say something like, "ever since Canvas became  an option, I've been using it and making my clients use it." But that's not life, and I'm usually brought in after the fact to either clean things up, or just train the faculty in how to use whatever program someone fell for in a marketing presentation.

In fact, I remember a few year ago (can't pinpoint exactly) but at one school where I was working, someone either contacted Canvas or Canvas just reached out to us, and made us a sales pitch. I remember the Dean of my department and I watching and honestly being pleased with what we saw, but knew that so many people felt as though they had enough skin in the game to where change was not an option.

There are many startup LMS or hosting providers who don't stay in the game very long, simply because many organizations have what they want or are at least comfortable with what they have.

I love that Canvas came along when it did. And as much as I just said that most schools won't leave, I think that as teachers migrate and are forced to adopt new systems at different schools, the culture might even change to eventually adopt the best program available - which will come down to useability, ease of training, and customer support.

Ya'll keep up the good work Smiley Wink


Thank you for your support, Larry.  We will continue to do everything we can to deserve it.

Community Contributor

...and really, thank you,  @scottdennis  for what you do. When I tried to explain what all Canvas has to offer to its clients, I found myself at a loss. The more I explained the more it seemed like I kept missing something.

You guys have truly put together an amazing Community of resources!


You are very welcome, Larry.  My favorite aspect of Community is that people like yourself are here, contributing to the total benefit for all.