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FAQ: New Quizzes

FAQ: New Quizzes




How do I access New Quizzes?

All Canvas customers can use New Quizzes. If you don't have access to New Quizzes yet —

  • If you're an instructor, please contact your Canvas admin
  • If you're are a Canvas admin, please contact your Customer Success Manager

To get started, you can follow the steps in this article on how to create a quiz using New Quizzes.

New Quizzes is not currently available in Free for Teacher accounts. Availability will be determined at a later date.


How is New Quizzes different from Classic Quizzes?

New Quizzes is a new assessment engine built to meet the assessment needs in your classroom today and in the future. Leveraging modern technologies, New Quizzes include a series of feature enhancements and new item types, and bring workflow improvements to what is commonly encountered in Classic Quizzes.

To see how New Quizzes compares to existing quizzes, please see our New Quizzes Feature Comparison‌.


Can I use New Quizzes along with the Classic Quizzes feature in Canvas?

Yes. Until an end-of-life date for Classic Quizzes is announced, if your institution has configured New Quizzes, both tools can be used in the same Canvas course.  As communicated in the New Quizzes Timeline Overview, our top priority is developing New Quizzes, so we will not be adding any new features to Classic Quizzes. However, we will continue to fix critical bugs and maintain the product.


Will the quizzes I create become part of a permanent record?

Yes, once the tool is configured in your instance, the data is a part of the permanent course record.


Will New Quizzes work with Canvas test and beta instances?

New Quizzes is available in the Canvas beta environment. This includes support for blueprint courses, quiz copy, course copy, and quiz migration. Reports, statistics, item bank search, and item bank tagging are not currently supported in the beta environment.

Outcomes added to Canvas in the beta environment after the beta refresh will not display in the New Quizzes beta environment. Outcomes must be added to the production environment to display in the beta environment.

At this time, New Quizzes cannot be used in the Canvas test instance.


What is LTI?

Learning Tools Interoperability, or LTI, is a framework for integrating LMS products with learning applications. It provides an open standards alternative to proprietary extension frameworks that are vendor-specific.

An LTI launch will pass some user context data from the LMS, and the learning application can optionally pass back a grade or content. Learning applications can serve many different purposes.

LTI dramatically improves options for LMS users and allows for better scaling of New Quizzes to meet the assessment needs of our users without the need to manually scale for high traffic times.


Are Canvas roles and permissions recognized in New Quizzes?

Currently New Quizzes recognizes a few specific roles from Canvas (i.e. teacher), however, Canvas does not send granular permissions to New Quizzes. We are currently planning the work to carry over Canvas Permissions into New Quizzes so that permissions applied to Canvas roles will carry over in New Quizzes. 


What is QTI and how is it used in New Quizzes?

Question and Test Interoperability (QTI) specification is a standard format for quizzes that enables the exchange of item and test content and results data between authoring tools, item banks, test construction tools, learning platforms, assessment delivery systems, and scoring/analytics engines. 

QTI packages are used to import in various ways. Users can import quizzes from QTI packages in New Quizzes to create a new quiz and can import questions from a QTI package into an item bank. Once your institution has enabled the New Quizzes Migration During Course Import/Copy feature option, you can also convert quizzes in QTI packages to the New Quizzes format when using the Course Import Tool. 


How do I import a quiz from a QTI package in New Quizzes?

How do I import questions from a QTI package into an item bank in New Quizzes?

How do I import quizzes from QTI packages? - Instructure Community

Currently, on the roadmap, we are working on updating migration functionality by converting Quiz Data to a QTI package for export.


Does New Quizzes have an API?

API endpoints for quiz and item CRUD operations are in production and available for Canvas’ New Quizzes. To get started with the API endpoints, we have provided comprehensive documentation. Additional API endpoints are planned for future development. All updates are outlined in the API change logs.


Are Canvas Partner integrations supported?

Partner integrations require the right types of API endpoints for the integration to be successful. Since general availability, we have been working to make our endpoints available for our partners to build their integrations. We are in active conversation with our partners to ensure this process happens smoothly. Please note that the Rich Content Editor in New Quizzes now supports third-party applications.



How do I use New Quizzes?

You can find detailed information about functionality in New Quizzes using the New Quizzes Chapter in the Instructor Guide.


Is the Hot Spot item type accessible?

No. Hot spot questions are not accessible for users who require keyboard-only access or screen readers. The functionality of a hot spot question type conflicts with being able to access a question by keyboard or a screen reader because the keyboard would identify the hot spots by location and the screen reader would read the locations out loud.


How can I preview a New Quiz as a student?

You can preview and test quiz questions and settings from a student’s perspective by using Quiz Preview. This article explains how to open Quiz Preview, submit a quiz, and view student results as a student.


Can a question be duplicated?

Once an item has been added to an item bank, it can be easily copied or moved between item banks. Individual questions in New Quizzes can also be duplicated, see this article in the Instructor Guide.


Is it possible to delete attempts?

While you can remove an extra attempt as in the instructor guide, it only means you can reduce the number of extra attempts.  You cannot delete an already submitted quiz.


Is it possible to see which students got which version of the quiz?

By selecting the student’s attempt from the Moderation page, you will see the questions the student was given, along with their answers. The version itself is not explicitly shown. 


How do I give extra credit on a New Quiz?

Extra credit can be added to a quiz attempt using fudge points or through regrading. This article provides instructions for giving extra credit in a course.

Additionally, check out this video from our Dear Danielle series on Extra Credit. 


Is the Rich Content Editor fully integrated with New Quizzes?

The Rich Content Editor (RCE) is now integrated with New Quizzes, meaning that the same RCE is used across Canvas, including New Quizzes. It is important to note that future updates to the RCE will also be made to New Quizzes, however, these updates may feel slightly delayed compared to the rest of Canvas. 

Within New Quizzes, the Rich Content Editor is available in the following features:

  • Quiz building:
    • Quiz Instructions
    • Question stems for all question types
    • Student feedback for all question types
    • Possible answers for the following question types:
      • Multiple Choice
      • Multiple Answer
      • Ordering
      • Fill in the blank
  • Quiz taking: Essay question type if RCE is enabled in question settings


Is there partial credit grading for items?

Partial credit grading functionality is supported for Matching, Fill-In-The-Blank and Multiple Answer question types.

Development for other question types is still under discussion and can be found under the theme “Build dynamic question types”. Likely additional item types for this functionality will include: 

  • Ordering
  • Categorization

Similar functionality is available in the Multiple Choice question type, which allows points to be varied for individual answers.


If I import a quiz a second time, will my changes be reflected in the previously imported quiz?

No. You cannot modify an existing quiz by importing a modified version. Imports can only be used when creating a quiz for the first time. If you import the same quiz multiple times, previously imported quizzes will not be overwritten, It will produce multiple copies of the same quiz.


What are Question Banks vs Question Groups? How do they appear when migrated to a New Quiz?

Question Banks are a collection of questions stored in Canvas that can be pulled into a Classic Quiz. Their behavior is analogous to Item Banks in New Quizzes. Question Groups are sections in a Classic Quiz that contain a set of specific questions. Canvas can randomly choose some or all of the questions for a student as part of the quiz.

Question banks used in a classic quiz can be imported into New Quizzes and will be converted to Item Banks. The question banks need to be on a quiz in order for them to be imported.  We are still refining the process, which is now in beta. Test it out via the information noted in Beta Release Notes: New Quizzes Migration (2021-12-22)

When a classic quiz is migrated to new quizzes, here is how question banks and question groups appear:

Classic Quizzes - types of questions

What it will look like in New Quizzes 

Single Question - not associated with a Question Bank or Group

Single Question located in the quiz

Question associated with a Question Bank

Item Bank

Inline Question in Question Groups

Item bank 



Can a Classic Quiz migrate to New Quizzes?

Yes. While New Quizzes migration supports all question types, you should still review your quizzes for assigning them to students. For more information on quiz migration, How do I migrate a Canvas quiz to New Quizzes?


How do I create surveys in New Quizzes?  [NEW]

While the current survey experience available in Classic Quizzes will not be exactly replicated in New Quizzes, our team is committed to providing key aspects of survey functionality into New Quizzes. Planned survey functionality on our New Quizzes Roadmap include the following:

  • Gather Anonymous Student Feedback 
  • Zero point quizzes do not display in the Gradebook (currently available)
  • Anonymous Grading in New Quizzes (currently available)
  • Do not count this assignment towards the final grade (currently available)
  • Complete/Incomplete (currently available)

For some existing ways to get survey functionality within New Quizzes, Instructors may set a quiz to 0 points and select “do not mark this assessment towards the final grade”. Additionally, instructor’s can support survey functionality by making sure that “Student Result View” in the Settings are restricted so students do not see “answers” for the survey.

Some recommended question types for survey functionality in New Quizzes:

  • Multiple Answer
  • Essay (can also be used for short answer/response)
  • True/False
  • File Upload
  • Fill in the Blank (free response)

If you are interested, our Training and Strategic Services team offer paid services to help instructors create surveys in New Quizzes utilizing the above workflows. If you need tools that are built specifically for survey functionality, we encourage you to reference our Canvas Partners space in the Community for external survey tool providers that can integrate in Canvas. Examples of common free/paid survey solutions include Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, EvaluationKIT by Watermark, Qualtrics, and eLumen.


Does New Quizzes work with the Learning Mastery Gradebook?  [NEW]

As announced in this blog post, New Quizzes data flows back to the Learning Mastery Gradebook and Admin-level Outcome Results report.


How do I use Rich Content Editor in Fill-in-the-blank questions to format questions for specific question types?  [NEW]

With the release of Rich Content Editor in Fill-in-the-blank questions, formatting questions in different ways has become much easier.  This blog post includes examples of how it can be used specifically to ask questions compatible with the NCLEX licensure examination.


Is Anonymous Grading supported in New Quizzes? [NEW]

Yes, you can use anonymous grading in New Quizzes. Learn more about creating an anonymously graded quiz in New Quizzes.

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