How do I view account requests in Portfolium as an admin?

As a Portfolium network admin, you can view and manage all requests to join your network.

Open Folios

Open Folios

In the Toolbar, click the Folios icon.

Open Account Requests

Open Account Requests

In Account Navigation, click the Account Requests link.

View Account Requests

On the Account Requests page, you can view a list of pending access requests to your network.

Each request includes the member's name [1], email address [2], major [3], and user role [4].

To search for a specific user, type the user's name or email address in the search field [5].

To filter access requests, select an option from the All Majors or All Types drop-down menus [6].

View Request Actions

To manage the request, click the checkbox next to the user's name [1].

To allow the member to join your network, click the Grant access button [2]. To deny access to the user, click the Deny access button [3]. To send a message to the user, click the Send message button [4].