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INSTRUCTOR | How do I use Master Template Plans as an instructor?

INSTRUCTOR | How do I use Master Template Plans as an instructor?

If you are interested in enabling this feature, please contact your Canvas Admin.

As an instructor, you can create master learning plans for students. Pace Plan templates are used to assign due dates to students based on the date they start the course.


  • Course content must be in modules.
  • Course sections must be added prior to updating master plans.
  • Course sections inherit pacing from the master plan; however, each section can have its own plan.
  • Plans cannot be published or re-published if there are a negative number of unassigned days left.

Open Pace Plans

Open Pace Plans

In Course Navigation, click the Pace Plans link.

View Master Template Plan

View Master Template Plan

You can update the Master Plan, or if you have sections in your course, you can change the plan by selecting a different plan in the Plan drop-down menu [1].

To set the plan length, enter dates in the Start Date field [2] and End Date field [3]. You can also use the Weeks [4] or Days [5] fields to set a plan length. The selected dates provide projected due dates for the plan.

To skip Saturday and Sunday, select the Skip Weekends checkbox [6]. To require students to complete the course by the specified end date, select the Require Completion by Specified End Date checkbox [7]. To display the plan length in days, deselect the Divide into Weeks checkbox [8].


  • Plan length must be specified prior to publishing [9].
  • To select the Require Completion by Specific End date, you need to specify an end date before the checkbox can be selected.

View Other Plans

View Other Plans

If you have added sections in your course, you can select a different template plan. Course sections inherit pacing from the master plan, however, each section can have its own plan.

Require Students to Complete Course by Specified End Date

Require Students Complete Course by Specified End Date

If you select the Require Completion by Specified End Date checkbox, you need to click the Yes, I Confirm button.

When selected, this feature uses pacing dates from the plan as weighted assignment values. Student pace plans then use those weighted values to calculate a pace to ensure the student finishes the assignments by the specified end date. This provides students who enroll farther ahead of the end date more time to complete the assignments and students who enroll closer to the end date less time to complete assignments.

Open Blackout Dates

Open Blackout Dates

Blackout dates are dates excluded from pacing plans. No assignments are due on blackout dates. Additionally, the length of the plan extends to compensate for the included the blackout dates.

To add blackout dates to the plan, click the Settings icon [1], and then click the Blackout Dates link [2].

Add Blackout Dates

Add Blackout Dates

To add blackout dates, enter an event title [1], start date [2], end date [3], and click the Add button [4].

To remove a blackout date you added, click the Delete icon [5].

To return to the list of the blackout dates, click the Close button [6].


  • Admins can add account-level blackout dates to apply to all Pace Plans. You cannot remove account-level blackout dates.
  • Adding course-level blackout dates may impact individual student plans and course management.

Update Existing Plans

Update Existing Plans

Adding course-level blackout dates may change assignment due dates and impact already published plans.

To update existing plans with the added blackout dates, click the Yes button.

Change Projected Due Dates

Change Projected Due Dates

To change the projected due dates, click the Up or Down arrow icons [1]. The projected due dates automatically update [2].

To know how many assignments need pacing, view the total number of unassigned days based on the plan length and other rules [3].

Link Assignments

To link assignments to keep the same amount of days per assignment and projected due date, click the Link icon [1]. The day counter and projected due date remain the same as long as it stays linked to the same assignment [2].

Publish Master Plan

Publish Master Plan

As you change the projected due dates, the number of unassigned days, items remaining, and average days per item automatically updates [1].

When you are satisfied with your plan, click the Publish Plan button [2].

Re-Publish Master Plan

Re-Publish Master Plan

View the last published date [1].

To reset the plan to the last version and undo the changes that have been made since the last publish, click the Load link [2].

You can view the number of unassigned days, items remaining, and average days per item [3]. To re-publish the plan, click the Re-publish Plan Options button [4].

Note: Re-publishing a plan allows you to choose how existing plans are impacted by changes made to a pacing plan where users have already started.

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