Advanced Randomization

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With the pandemic we have been forced into online distance education whether we're ready or not. I have been looking to expand out the methodology that I've been using for writing exams that have a degree of variability as an anti-cheating measure.

I am already familiar with question banks and have far too many of them with a flat, linear, mess of a lack of structure imposed on me by canvas.

At present I have each question bank organized by topic and difficulty level.  I randomly draw questions from the bank so that students have varied exams.

Many, many of these questions are procedural, but not mathematical (computer programming course).

Thus by perturbing conditions in the expressions or starting values, etc, I am able to create multiple versions of the same question which guarantees topic coverage and also equitable difficulty between students.

Is there a way to do this without putting each of my questions for each of my 4 exams into their own question bank?


This is an example of what I'd like.  To achieve this now I need 2 different question banks.  I presently have 48 banks (banks=topics, multiple topics per section quiz, and exams as an additional set of questions) WITHOUT starting into this versioning exercise.

+ Bank1 - Easy difficulty

   + Q1 - v1 uses >

      Q1 - v2 uses <

      Q1 - v3 uses !=

   + Q2 - v1 has initial values of 3,4,5

      Q2 - v2 has initial values of 1,5,10


Quiz 1 : draw 1 question from Q1, 1 from Q2.



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