Autosubmitted Homework - Unable to Grade

Community Novice


I have created some homework assignments that include both multiple choice questions as well as free response. This requires me to manually grade the last question, therefore manually enter the grade. I had originally made the deadline for the homework assignments April 21st at 11:59 pm. On the morning of April 21st, the professor decided that we should give students a few extra days. I changed the deadline immediately to April 24th at 11:59 pm. However, I believe some students' uncompleted homework assignments were still autosubmitted at 11:59 on April 21st, despite me having changed the deadline. Due to this, I have several submissions in which all the multiple choice questions are completed, but the free response questions are blank and have no answer. What is even weirder is that some of these students had submitted their homework ahead of time and had already received full scores of 100%. Canvas is now not letting me input their original 100% score into the gradebook. Whatever I try, it still prompts me to grade their incomplete work. When I try to input their original 100% score into the "new submission", it does not work. What can I do to fix this?


A slightly stressed TA