Embedding a video from Safe YouTube

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Community Novice

How do I embed a video from Safe You Tube (I only get a link from there) into an 

assignment?  It looks like it's uploaded to My Library in CANVAS, however,

when I try to embed it (using Record/Upload media) it says that "No media" 

is in the library.


2 Solutions
Community Novice

Found a solution, but it involves keeping your own snippet of HTML handy:

if you put in the following, but replace the green section with your Safe YouTube URL it should work - so apparently it wants to turn it into a clickable link instead of making it green. Clicking will just get you to a political ad, but that is still the section of text you want to replace with your SafeTube URL.

<p><iframe src="https://safeYouTube.net/w/5j3U" width="800" height="800" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" allow="accelerometer;autoplay;encrypted-media;gyroscope;picture-in-picture"></iframe></p>


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Community Novice

omg. Thanks for this. So many kids can not play standard Youtube, and I was sending the Safe Youtube videos off Canvas to watch! 



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