I am writing up my summary for my practicum and was using the pqp1 as a guideline. I no longer have access and was wondering if someone could provide me with an outline.

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I am writing up my summary for my practicum and was using the pqp1 as a guideline. I no longer have access and was wondering if someone could provide me with an outline

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi  @m_alexander199  Welcome to the Canvas Community!

I am guessing that you do not realize that you have asked your question in a global community of  Canvas users; and I am also guessing that out of the more than 500,000 users in here, very few of them know what a pqp1 guideline is.

Now I did a quick Google search and now know that you are likely in a Principle's Qualification Program, and perhaps the following links will help, perhaps not. However, I would suggest asking someone in charge of the PQP program you are enrolled in. Both these links are from Ontario, CA.

If you are using Canvas as a classroom for this program, you could try contacting your teacher from within Canvas. Learn how at https://community.canvaslms.com/docs/DOC-10574-4212710325 

Good luck with this,


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