Making Changes Without Canvas Notifying Students?

Community Explorer

What settings do I need to change, or what do I need to do so Canvas does not send out notifications when I make changes to things?  Obviously, things like Announcements I want all students to see and want them to receive a notification of, but when, for example, I give an exemption to one student to do something special, and I make those changes on Canvas, it blasts it out to every student so they know.  This should be the right of the instructor to make those decisions and it should be between the individual student and instructor, not to the knowledge of everyone in the class due to extenuating circumstances that others do not need to be privy of.  Or, if I just update a page, it sends an announcement.  These excess announcements are not necessary for students -- think how many they are getting from me times how many classes they have - they must be going crazy from trying to read all of the announcements! 

Is there any workaround for this?
