Manual Grading What Students See

Community Participant

I am not a fan of the new grading policy that Canvas thought would be great to implement. It is more complicated and confusing and has caused more issues than it is worth. Besides the fact when we import grades from an outside entity Canvas marks EVERYTHING LATE, when I decided to get in front of it with the students this week, I changed the grades to manual, so they would not see anything until I could correct all 108 x 2 assignments manually to not be late. (How about a feature to not mark things late for everyone?). I digress...

Well, they could not see their grades, but they were still marked late and I got a barrage of emails of student yelling their work was not late.  Attached is a screen shot a student nicely offered up for me to share. There is the eyeball but all they see is the RED LATE.

If we are going to hide the grading, then 100% of it should be hidden.

Please correct this and the import process for grades from outside the forum.

Frustrated with Canvas,
