Message Upon Assignment Submission

Community Member

I am wanting to have a message pop up (or something similar) once a student submits an assignment.  So, in order to see this message (in my case a link to a key) they will have to submit their assignment.  Is there a way to make this happen?  

I have read other (dozens) of posts regarding making keys available after an assignment is submitted using the "Requirements" option within the Modules.  This won't work because I don't need students to complete an entire module before viewing the key.  It also doesn't work because we are Hybrid.  e.g. Group A works on an assignment at school on Monday while Group B is working on an Independent Assignment at home on Monday.  Then Tuesday Group B would work on Monday's Group A assignment and vice versa. So, I can't require assignments to be submitted/completed in order.

I tried to do a "Face-to-Face" Module and a "Virtual" Module and then link the key (a file with a prerequisite that the assignment had to be submitted) within the assignment, but when I was in "Student View" I was able to view the key without submitting the assignment.  So, I assume that won't work?
