Rich Content Editor- does it make students their own copy of linked google doc?

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I upload everything for a students weekly homework in one assignments tab. Notes, a powerpoint, and questions to go with the notes (this is what I want them to fill in and submit on canvas). 

I have uploaded them all using links with Rich content editor and give instructions. 

When the students click on the links, is it making them their own copy? If so, are they then able to submit the questions with a google cloud assignment if I put that as the submission external tool type and it open in a new tab so they can still see the notes in another tab to answer the questions?

1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi Kate,

If you link to a Google Document through the Rich Content Editor it probably is not creating a copy for each student when they click on it.  They might have an option when viewing to "Save a copy in my drive", but by default that is not the case.

The set up for a Google Cloud Assignment is fairly specific about how you select that template file you want them to fill out and submit.  Take a look at this guide page to see the correct steps to set up a Google Cloud Assignment 


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