color for cards on dash board

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are there more colors to choice for the card view on you dash board

1 Solution
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Community Coach

Good morning,  @james_0064596  Thank You for your question.  The answer to your question is....absolutely!  In fact, you can pretty much choose any color in the entire color spectrum.  I'm not sure if you are an instructor or a student, but I'm guessing you're already familiar with how to change the color of the course cards using the small set of colors that Canvas provides.  Check out the section called "Change Course Color" about half-way down either of these Guides:

What you'll want to do is use a website that can generate the hex color code for the color that you'd like displayed on your course card.  Here are just a few to choose from:

I hope this will help, Charles.  Please let us know if you have any additional questions about this. 

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