How do I view Assessment Scores performance levels for my institution?

The Elevate K-12 Analytics Assessment Scores feature allows you to normalize the incredible variety of assessment and assessment reporting methods into a comprehensive picture of student performance and success.

Once your institution's assessment platforms are integrated with Elevate K-12 Analytics, you can define mappings with custom performance levels for your institution's assessment scores. Once defined, you can configure assessment score mappings with custom score ranges that stratify scores and identify student achievement and growth. Additionally, because institutional goals change and evolve over time, and because success varies by grade level, you can create mappings specific to school year and grade level.

Open Administration Page

Open Administration Page

In the Navigation Menu, click the Admin link.

Open KPIs

In the Elevate K-12 Analytics Administration page, click the KPIs link.

Open Assessment Scores

In the Manage KPIs menu, click the Assessment Scores link [1].

Note: On the Manage KPIs Overview page you can click the Assessment Scores link [2].

View Assessment Score Mappings

The Assessment Performance Levels page displays a chart with the following information:

  • Name [1]: the assessment name or type; this is defined when a mapping is added to the account.
  • Namespace [2]: the vendor assessment family namespace; the assessment provider name displays in URL or URI string.
  • Reporting Method [3]: the score reporting method for the assessment.

Open Assessment Score Mapping Details

To view details about performance level mappings for an assessment vendor, locate the vendor in the chart and click the Edit button.

View Definition and Mappings

The Assessment Score page displays assessment details and mappings.

View the assessment name, namespace, reporting method, and included assessments in the Definition section [1].

Generate an assessment mapping by school year or grade level in the Mappings section [2].

Edit Definition

To edit the assessment definition, click the Edit button. Learn more about managing an assessment score definition.

Edit Mappings

You can generate mappings for specific school years [1] and grade levels [2] and copy the mapping to specific school years and grade levels [3].

To edit the assessment mapping, click the Edit mapping button [4]. Learn more about editing assessment scores mappings.