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I created a rubric at one school where I work, and I would like to use that rubric at another school where I also work. Is there a way to copy a rubric so that I can use it at another school? I understand how to copy rubrics among courses at a single school. I believe I could make it work by copying the entire course, but my courses are too large to import (Canvas has a size limit). Thanks!
- Labels:
As an instructor, you can copy individual discussions in one course directly into any active course in which you are enrolled. You can also send discussions to other instructors at your institution. When you copy a discussion, any assets within that discussion topic (images, files, etc.) will be included in your discussion copy, replies are not included.
- To share course content, you must have the Course Content - add / edit / delete permission enabled.
- Shared content does not count against course or user quotas.
- If you copy the same discussion to the same course more than once, the discussion you previously copied will be overwritten with the newly copied discussion.
Open Discussions
In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.
Open Discussion Options
Locate the discussion you wish to copy, then click the discussion Options icon [1]. Select the Copy To... option [2].
Select Course
Type the course name, SIS ID or course code in the Select a Course field [1].
Search results are sorted by term, with the default term first, followed by most recent term start date. Results for each term are sorted alphabetically and display the course name [2], course code [3], and term name [4].
Select the course into which you want to copy the discussion [5].
Note: The Select a Course drop-down menu only displays courses in which you have an active or future enrollment. Discussions cannot be copied to a concluded course.
View Copy To Content Warning Message
When copying content, a message displays explaining that importing the same course content more than once overwrites any existing content in the course.
Select Location
If you wish, you can copy the discussion into a specific module and location within a course.
Click or type a module name in the Select a Module field [1]. Then select the module for the copied discussion.
To select a location within the module, click the Place drop-down menu [2]. You can select to copy the discussion to the top of the module, before or after a specific module item, or at the bottom of a module.
Copy Discussion
Click the Copy button.
View Copy Notification
Canvas displays a notification when a discussion copies successfully [1].
When finished, click the Close icon [2] or the Close button [3].
I am backing up a course that I teach at my institution in my free Canvas account. I downloaded the course content as a .imscc file. When I upload the course package into the my free Canvas account all of the design elements are lost. All I see is the plain text version of the course.
Any advice?
This behavior has been resolved and deployed to the production environment as of 2/1/24.
If a user copies or sends a classic quiz to a new course while migrating them, and that quiz includes course navigation pages linked from the course, the linked pages links will not be accessible throwing the error “The page <page name> does not exist.“
Expected Behavior
Instead, users should be able migrate Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes during a course copy, without having the page links break.
This only happens if the quiz is migrated during the copying process so if it’s migrated before, or after it’s been copied, the pages will appear and be linked just fine.
Steps to Reproduce
Prerequisites: A course that has New Quizzes and New Quiz migration enabled.
Create two courses within Canvas.
In the first course, create a Classic quiz and insert a page from the course into the quiz through the RCE. Either in the description or a question itself.
With the quizzes made, copy them to a new course while selecting the option to “Import existing quizzes as New Quizzes.”
Once the quizzes are copied, as a student navigate to the quiz and select the page link, notice that this does not open the expected page and instead displays the page error.
Additional Info
Known issues indicate notable behaviors that has been escalated to the Canvas engineering team. Known issues are not a guarantee for an immediate resolution. This document is for informational purposes only and does not replace the Support process. If you are encountering the behavior outlined in this document, please ensure you have submitted a Support case (per your institution's escalation process) so Canvas Support can adequately gauge the overall customer impact and prioritize appropriately.
- Tags:
- LF-1147
What is the purpose of this campaign?
This walkthrough will guide Instructors on how to copy course content from one course to another using the Course Import tool.
Remember: After you import the campaign, you can customize your WT to meet the specific needs of your institute.
Find out where your walkthrough steps will show up
Support Articles
- What is the Course Import Tool?
- How do I select specific content as part of a course import?
- How do I copy content from another Canvas course using the Course Import tool?
- How do I adjust events and due dates in a course import?
How can the impact of this campaign be measured?
Campaign engagement
Views on messages & links on support included inside messages
Views on support articles included in this campaign
Average tool adoption
Monitors have been placed on the following pages/elements as data points to define the use of the tool
As an instructor, you can copy individual new quizzes in one course directly into any active course in which you are enrolled as an instructor. You can also send new quizzes to other instructors at your institution.
When you copy a new quiz, any assets within that quiz (images, files, etc.) are included in the file copy.
- To share course content, you must have the Course Content - add / edit / delete permission enabled.
- Shared content does not count against course or user quotas.
- To import changes to a New Quizzes quiz, you must duplicate the quiz and then import the new quiz into your course.
Open Quizzes
In Course Navigation, click the Quizzes link.
Note: You can also access quizzes from the Assignments page.
Open Quiz Options
Locate the quiz you wish to copy, then click the quiz Options icon [1]. Select the Copy To... option [2].
Select Course
Enter the name of a course, SIS ID or course code in the Select a Course field [1].
Search results are sorted by term, with the default term first, followed by most recent term start date. Results for each term are sorted alphabetically and display the course name [2], course code [3], and term name [4].
Select the course into which you want to copy the quiz [5].
Note: The Select a Course drop-down menu only displays courses in which you have an active or future enrollment. You cannot copy quizzes to a concluded course.
Select Location
If you wish, you can copy the assignment into a specific module and location within a course.
Click or type a module name in the Select a Module field [1]. Then select the module for the copied assignment.
To select a location within the module, click the Place drop-down menu [2]. You can select to copy the assignment to the top of the module, before or after a specific module item, or at the bottom of a module.
Copy Assignment
Click the Copy button.
View Copy Notification
Canvas displays a notification when an assignment is copied successfully [1].
When finished, click the Close icon [2] or the Close button [3].
View Copied Quiz
Copied quizzes display on the Quizzes Index Page for the course into which it copied.
Note: Embedded files or images in the quiz may require an additional 10-30 seconds to be visible in the copied quiz.
I created a course in the Canvas learning management system. The course has several types of groups. It has discussion groups. It has team project groups. It has pair concept mapping groups. I set each group up such that it has a unique name. For example, the discussion groups are flower names (e.g., "rose group", "daffodil group", etc.) and the team project groups have tree names (e.g., "oak group", "pine group", etc.). The problem is when I copy the course to a new semester, all the group names are lost. Also, the different types of groups are lost, and the association of assignments with those groups is lost. How can I copy a canvas course in a way that keeps all the groups intact?
- Labels:
Instructional Designer
One of our sub-accounts has manually arranged some columns in their gradebook. I see in the Instructor Guide that "Manual placement is persistent in the Gradebook until the column is reordered." Does that remain the same even next term when they'll copy the course content into a new shell? Thanks in advance for a clarification.
- Labels:
Can someone confirm if disabling faculty from creating courses also disables their ability to copy courses from one to another?
I am trying to copy a new quiz from my sandbox to my rostered course for students. When copying, it appears to copy correctly and is located in the module where I copied it to. However, student's can't access it. When I click on "build" I get a message that says "copying assignment" that never goes away. I have tried renaming the quiz in my sandbox and trying again, and I get the same message. Now I am experiencing the same thing with another quiz that I created in my sandbox just a few days ago. Is there anything I can do to get my quizzes to copy?
- Labels:
Support will ask you to duplicate the quiz in the course you are copying from, and then use the "copy to" feature to r...
Canvas support says to duplicate the new quiz in the original course, then use the copy to feature to send it to the course...
After investigating my ticket, the canvas helpdesk informed me that this was a technical problem with my institution's ...