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Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone has/knows of a Blackboard to Canvas migration checklist?
I am looking into some of the aspects for my institution and was looking for such a document, but could contribute to a collaborative one here.
I have seen the very useful guide by @benjamin_rodrig on the commuity (see post here with link), just looking for a document - but might have to start making one!
Thanks in advance,
- Tags:
- migration checklist
Hello @s_j_beale , We are migrating from Blackboard to Canvas in the fall. I noticed in your checklist t...
We are getting ready to migrate courses from Blackboard to Canvas. Appreciate all of your tips for our faculty. W...
...e at Heriot-Watt University are thinking about all the issues in regard to Blackboard to Canvas migration. Just to c...
...unction Glossaries created in Blackboard will not come across to Canvas and will need to be recreated manually....
...unctionality in Canvas (.e.g Wikis) and also to avoid problematic content (like Grade Centre Columns and Settings) Blackboard...
I'm brand new in the community and new to Canvas. We are running a pilot this spring where a few dozen faculty will be using Canvas instead of Blackboard. I'm the lone trainer at our campus for LMS systems.
Would anyone be kind enough who has been to this war share with me what they did for training?
Here's what I'm thinking so far:
Canvas Essentials
Editing the menu
- Setting your personal preferences
- Inbox for communicating
- Creating Pages
- Setting a Home Page
- Uploading files
Getting from Blackboard to Canvas
- Informal moving of files from Blackboard to Canvas
- Users will log into their Blackboard Course – download files – organize and cleanup files – upload files into Canvas
- Users will learn how to incorporate these files into a Canvas course
- Moving of quizzes, tests and surveys
- What works and what doesn’t
- Checking feedback and scores
- How to deploy a quiz
Canvas Grade Center Essentials
- How to add a column in the Grade Center
- Types of assignments
Canvas Communication Tools
- Inbox
- Live Chat
- Conferencing tool
I've created the following instructional videos to share with you:
Getting started with Canvas - YouTube
Again, I'm in this battle alone and any help would be greatly appreciated.
Leona :smileygrin:
Hi all,
I could't tell if this was asked here already, but please forgive any redundancy. In Blackboard, we have a wide use of Organizations (Basically shells which are not associated with courses or enrollments in the SIS). These are used for study groups, video repositories, faculty groups, clubs, etc.
So the question is, what have you found to be the Canvas equivalent to these? Is it simply a matter of creating a course that's moderated by someone with a teacher role?
Our school is in the process of migrating from Blackboard Canvas. We started about a year ago and we learned a lot. I'd like to share a guide we created. It's written from an instructor's point of view and its purpose is to help instructors, designers, and admins get an idea of what migration from Blackboard to Canvas entails.
Here's an overview:
Blackboard and Canvas are very different systems. Some items make sense to import from one system to another and some will not work at all. Some of the workflows you're used to in Blackboard don't exist in Canvas at this time and that's OK because there are feasible alternatives.
The guide walks you through the following process: Evaluate your blackboard course, determine which items to migrate over and how, execute the migration, resolve issues that occurred as a result of the migration.
There's way too much nuance to fit into a blog post. So the guide is hosted as an external resource located at the link below. I made it generic so that it can apply to almost any Blackboard and Canvas environment. I hope that you find that it has some value, and saves some time and effort.
Blackboard to Canvas Migration Guide
Also please feel free to share feedback, suggestions, questions, and corrections if you found anything different in your own experiences.
FYI To append this post (I'll add these to the module at a later time) 7/16/2019:
- If you were using Grade Schema (for letter grades) in Bb, those will need to be recreated in Canvas. They do not transfer over.
Hi all,
I am on week 2 of a new job where I am tasked with running the pilot program for Canvas. I have used Canvas at a previous institution for a number of years and am fairly comfortable with the benefits. I have not used Blackboard, however, as my previous migration experience was from an internally developed LMS to Canvas. What I basically wanted to know is if anyone has a one-pager or any type of document that outlines the benefits of Canvas over Blackboard. If I can go into my strategy meetings with this type of document or knowlege I think it would make adoption easier. I can work on creating it but just thought I would throw it out to this group in case someone has already developed something similar that they would be able to share. I have a tool comparison document, but basically am looking for more of a "sales pitch" document to persuade people to join the pilot.
- Tags:
- benefits
- blackboard
Another question has popped up with our transition! I hope you can help! How did your institution go about finalizing SafeAssign? Instructors are wanting to save reports for their records so that they are aware of plagiarism or if it was submitted in Blackboard SafeAssign so that they can crosscheck with new sumbissions in Canvas. Was this a concern? How did you go about tackling this issue? Is there a way to link SafeAssign to Turnitin?
Thank you!
We are new to all this, but we're really excited to be here. Any help would be great.
I know you guys have touched on this a couple of times before, but i want to get specific.
We are moving from Bb9.1. In an ideal world we would just like to leave all that old content behind and start again, but we have Bb 'baggage' that academic staff don't want to leave behind.
We are just experimenting at the moment to get the most efficient way to get 5000 modules from Bb into C. So first of this has to be done at scale and not by hand. The common course cartridge creates a nasty html mashup by the time it arrives in C. Is this the way we are doing it or is there something we are missing. See below.
We don't want staff to have this as their initial canvas experience. Export .zip function when it arrives in C is a thing of beauty. The only problem is doing this at scale. we have been looking at the Canvas API and searching github for blackboard exporters. Has anyone got experience of this that could sooth my weary brow and make the pain go away!
- Tags:
- blackboard to canvas
It's been a few years since we needed to deal with this, but at the time I felt the need to improve on the built-in Blackboard import into Canvas. I tried to replicate the structure of the original course in Blackboard in a new course in Canvas as closely as possible.
My code is posted to GitHub, but has not been updated to handle Blackboard 9 exports (if they're different) or a few lingering issues.
Feel free to have at it, improve it… or just use the built-in importer! If you want to use my code and want a hand getting it cranked up and running, feel free to reach out to me.
Hello! People who have converted from Blackboard to Canvas, how did you handle the transition between how the Bb Outcomes Assessment tool works vs. how Canvas Outcomes work? Maybe I'm missing it, but I don't see a way to pull a random sample and rate by a reviewer. Advice?
I was wondering how others have handled transferring Blackboard Assessments that use the Calculated Formula/Math Editor. The assessment is not coming across to Canvas appropriately.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!