Require achieving mastery more than 5 times on an outcome

Community Novice

It seems that the Outcomes system limits the "Achieve mastery n times" option (also the "calculation_int" column if uploading outcomes from csv) to be between 1 and 5, but I think I must be misunderstanding something because that is a silly cap to put on it if this option does what I think it does.

I apply a rubric with the entire set of outcomes to each test question, and students must show evidence of mastery by getting at least the number of points in the "Mastery: ____" (also the "mastery_points" column if uploading outcomes from csv) a certain number of times before I consider them as having mastered that skill. I sometimes want the number of times required to show mastery to be well above 5 (14 is the highest right now).

Am I misunderstanding what "Achieve mastery n times" means? What is the point of this cap at 5? Do we not trust teachers to figure out how many times students should show mastery?

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