How can we make eportfolio/badges visible to (other) instructors?

Community Participant

Seeing advice as our college is preparing to move to Canvas.

We have an orientation to online learning course for new student, which ideally they will take prior to classes started, and their first term students take a college success/FYE course. We want completion of the orientation course shell to issue a badge, and then instructors of the FYE course to be able to check the badge for completion. Because we offer several different sections of the FYE course that the student could end up in (depending on major, various start dates, etc.) and occasionally the responsibility of teaching the FYE course switches among faculty of a department, it would be easiest to just say the badge needs to be visible to all "teachers" in Canvas (or we are willing to create and batch assign an additional role to see the badges -- ex: a new "badge monitors" role -- if needed). 

We've been looking at Accredible as a possible badge solution, which seems to keep badges in the ePortfolio section of canvas. I reached out to their help, but I am told it's probably a Canvas question about visibility rights within this area. We've also looked at Badgr and it seems to be kept in the portfolio area too but not public or on the student's profile.

Basically, does anyone know of a way we can make badges from a course shell (orientation) visible to teachers of other courses? And/or a student's eportfolio default to visible to users of a particular role?

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