How can I get students to choose topics without overlapping TOO much?

Community Participant
  • I have a list of topics. There might be ten or a dozen. 
  • I want students to find and share online resources explaining those topics.
  • I would like more than one student to 'cover' each topic.
  • But I don't want half the class doing one topic.

You're experienced at using Canvas.

How would you handle this in Canvas?

Is there a specific tool you think makes sense? An LTI?

The ideal solution is elegant: it's simple and involves the least amount of work for students and the instructor.

Things I've thought of which I find inelegant:

  • Create a discussion board with a prompt containing the list & ask students to choose, first-come, first-serve.
  • Create a Google Doc, and ask students to add their names. 
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