Large file submission in Assignments

Community Participant

We are seeing some student and teacher frustration with large files as File Upload submissions in Assignments. I confirmed the problems with a brief test of my own and found that a 100MB file took ~100sec to upload. Of course there is no progress indicator in Assignments, so it is a bit of a leap of faith to wait that long. It is, of course, possible to have them use, say, a Google Form with a file upload response (~6sec for 100MB file), but there are a couple downsides: 1) that particular item type does not allow an embed code, which could be used in a Canvas Assignment 2) it requires a teacher to create a form / folder on their own account for each course they teach every term, and then delete it after the term - in other words, it doesn't scale well. 

The assignments are for short videos, which are quite common in language courses, and becoming more so with the advances in the personal mobile devices that students own. Media Submission item type has even more disadvantages, even with the new HTML5 recorder. 

Is there a way to do file upload items directly to Canvas faster and with a progress indicator?

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