This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through  How do I filter columns and rows in the Gradebook? guide in the New Gradebook Users Group.

Almost a year ago I suggested the idea for bespoke smart views in Grade Book. 


The current set up in Canvas Grades only permits the reordering of assignments (by group or date ) and the filtering of sections without the option to hide unwanted column views. Smart views would not be necessary for small GradeBooks ( i.e. few columns). The idea becomes relevant and makes a teacher's life a good deal easier when viewing a large GradeBook (i.e. perhaps 20 or more columns).


Canvas clearly understands this concept since it created section views, which permit unwanted rows to be hidden or excluded. It wouldn't be so bad if Canvas could separate columns in GradeBook with a spacer - anything to clearly distinguish where one group of assignments ends and the next begins. The concept becomes even more relevant when one considers the scenario where several teachers may share the same GradeBook, but whom only have their own group of assignments to mark.  Re-ordering assignments by due date doesn't resolve the need for a group view. Why then has this same rational for hiding unwanted sections (rows) not been applied to hiding unwanted groups (columns) in GradeBook?


This idea is not only applicable for Grades but for Outcomes in Learning Mastery. Currently, Outcomes cannot be deleted if submissions have already been made. What if outcomes were established in GradeBook for preliminary, informal testing purposes? The problem then becomes that the Learning Mastery page begins to stockpile 'junk' learning outcomes. This makes viewing Learning Mastery onerous.  If Outcomes can't be deleted following submissions

(, it would be hugely beneficial if they too, like the idea for hiding column views for grades, could be hidden via a smart view.


Although the idea only gained 22 votes last time, the timing coincided when most of our teaching staff were going on summer leave and at a time when they were still adjusting to a new VLE. We find ourselves at the same timing juncture one year on, except our staff are much better placed with product knowledge to appreciate the relevance of smart views with respect to groups. Also, previously voting protocol dictated vote closure after 3 months. New voting procedure keeps votes open for 6 months, so I believe there will be a much greater chance this would gain traction.

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