
Right now you can see your progress in individual classes. Our school would be greatly benefited by allowing students to monitor their own progress in a Welding, Nursing programs etc. That is something that we are going to look at for our school website but I wanted also to suggest that Canvas Developers consider this feature for Canvas since it is used by so many schools. For instance, High School students that attend our technical college are working at a program for years not just a trimester. For them to be able to see their progress and know where they are, is teaching the student to take responsibility for their education. It would be highly motivating for students to see that progress in a program grow over time and would increase their likelihood of completing it. The progress of the individual class ( when completed) would have to be added to another level/place in Canvas that could be custom fit to the individual schools since all our programs are different. I hope this helps. I would appreciate comments from individuals with expertise in this area as to how to develop this ourselves or from anyone on the Canvas development team. 


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