
When creating assignments for my students using New Quizzes, I often include grading notes for the essay questions. Usually I am asking students to paste snippets of code into the text editor.

Sometimes I find that I have a typo or other small error after I start grading. If go back to edit the grading notes, I will not be able to see the updated grading notes while I am grading, which is frustrating. I understand that the question, options, and score shouldn't change after a student has submitted, but it is very frustrating not to be able to update the grading notes as I am grading.

If I could update the grading notes and have them applied to all submitted assignments, I would additionally keep tabs on how many points I take off for certain mistakes. I try to anticipate all the types of mistakes that students will make, but inevitably there will be a type of mistake I don't anticipate. 

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