

- Canvas course: language 'Nederlands' (=dutch)
- New Quiz with questions of the type 'numeric'

For decimal numbers we use a comma instead of a point (e.g. 953,20 instead of 953.20) in Belgium.

When students take the Quiz, then they can type in 953,20 (with comma), but when they move to the next question and back, then the value has changed to 953.20 (with point). Then students try to change it back and so on. 

When students take the same Quiz, but now with Lockdown Browser, they can enter 953,20 with a comma, but the comma is then completely removed. So their answer is stored as 95320. As a result, all their answers are considered incorrect. We had an exam with 500 students and every exam and every numeric question now has to be checked manually. Also, the result page of the quiz changed to 'English' in this case, which seems to indicate that all is changed to english, not just the number formatting rules.
Respondus investigated this and told us the issue lies with Canvas and has to do with the issue above.

Can you please make sure numeric questions can be entered according to the selected language of the course and make sure it also works for the LTI that is used by Respondus? 


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