
This is a request to bring back design/functionality that used to exist. 

Idea: In Gradebook grid view, have a visual indicator that an assignment has Do not count this assignment towards the final grade checkmarked. The visual indicator would be on the assignment's column header. 

How it used to look that we liked: 

Gradebook grid view of assignment column headerGradebook grid view of assignment column header

Gradebook grid view: Column header shows blue background, exclamation icon, clicking/hovering on caret shows This assignment does not count toward the final grade.

What it has currently changed to: 

Instructor needs to click into a cell of the assignment column and click the arrow icon.

Gradebook assignment cell with arrow iconGradebook assignment cell with arrow icon

The Grade Detail tray opens and there's a message Not calculated in final grade.

Grade Detail trayGrade Detail tray

Reasons we want this back:

  • Instructors were confused at total grade calculations because they could not easily see that some of their assignments were not being calculated in final grade

  • It's more efficient if the Gradebook can be looked at holistically by scanning the column headers instead of clicking into each assignment to see if that setting is on


  • This was brought up to Canvas Support and they recommended we create an idea here to see if others would like this brought back, too.  

  • For now, I've been adding asterisks in the beginning of my assignment titles to indicate which of my assignments have this setting on.  


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