
We are currently using a tool called StudyCoach to help facilitate advising within Canvas. There is an option to add advisors as observers to each Canvas course in which their student is enrolled so they can see their grades and such. One of the advisors reached out to me explaining that they were getting overrun with notifications from their observed courses. He updated his notification preferences, however, these advisors are also instructors and sometimes students in other programs.

It would be great if notification preferences were split into roles, for example observer preferences and teacher/student preferences. That way, the users are able to specify that they don't want any observer notifications but still want specific notifications from courses in which they are enrolled as teachers or students.

I did read through the feature request allowing observers to receive notifications (https://community.canvaslms.com/t5/Idea-Conversations/Observer-roles-notifications/idi-p/326319#comm...), but this would take it one step further to make observer roles more feasible for current instructors of other courses.

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