
Please consider additional RCE question text editing for New Quizzes, under all questions types, similar to the RCE editing in Stimulus question type. 

Language professor migrated Classic Quiz to New Quiz. Has multiple fill in the blank questions. The question area in Classic quizzes consists of a table with the identifying information. The fill in the blank portion consists of 7 responses each with a variation x 4 of possible answers. 

See Canvas support Case # 08309592 for quiz item details. Quiz 9, question 6. 

Alternative in New Quizzes is to rebuild the extensive question with Stimulus question type to replicate the table and Fill in the Blank question to go with the Stimulus table. A lot of work to replicate. 

Can you investigate the details in the Case # and consider RCE for various question types or provide an alternative with fewer steps to recreate the content. Using New Quizzes is not easily transitioned in this case. 


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