
Just a suggestion- could you add a button on the attendance tab to "mark remaining as absent"

In the courses that have a ton of students (in my 2nd grade Math class we have about 80-100 daily and there are over 300 enrolled in the course!), it would be SUPER helpful. Having to click 400 times (double click to get absent!) to mark students absent is tedious, and the state wants all attendance done between 10-10:15 am, this is not humanly possible with 300 kids enrolled and 100 present.

2 things that would make it faster:
-Being able to sort by "all students" instead of organizing by school.

-A "Mark all remaining as absent," so after I mark the students who are present, with 1 click I can fill in the rest! We have mark all as present, but this doesn't work because I have to confirm each student is present 1 by 1.

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