Outcomes at the root account seem to be the only ones you can align with a New Quizzes item

Community Contributor

Hi all, 

Our Canvas instance has a pretty deep hierarchy of sub-accounts it goes like this:

Main account > institution > college > department > campus

Here's an example:

Main account > Med School > College of Health & Human Services > Department of Physical therapy > LA Campus.

We have an assessment coordinator who created institutional outcomes at the college level.

However when she goes to align an institutional outcome with an item in a course bank, the only outcomes that appear are the ones that are in the top level main account.  The outcomes that she created in her college level sub account are not available to be aligned. They don't appear at all.

The course is downstream of the college level account, yet it can't detect any outcomes other than what is in our instance's main account. 

Is that the normal behavior for New Quizzes outcome alignment because it's an LTI and cant detect sub-accounts yet?

If so, are there future plans to enable New Quizzes to detect outcomes that were created in sub-accounts?


Or am I missing something?





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