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Good morning to you all,

I am a student for which is intrigued by the prospect of utilizing Dark mode to ail the affliction of the blinding light for which Canvas does not cease to remedy. It is the year, of Two Thousand and Twenty Four - November, at the eve of the finality of this year. Time, time has passed, for a feature to exist universally for all of humanity, to defend against this merciless spirit known as 'Light Mode', we all must band together to conquer this inexorable foe. Scorching is the light, the window of our world shall soon be threatened by this. I cannot bear the prospect of  the salvation to this issue, 'Dark Mode' within my heart, it aches, and so speaking upon the behalf of humanity till the earth withers to the unyielding sands of time, I no longer understand my words - or what I see.. is it truly just all white, blank and it cannot be customizable?

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