
Håkon Lindholm
Community Member
Mar 18, 2021 11:34:45 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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@Stef_retired Thanks for the reply. I hope that you or someone else can tell me what the thought behind this is, as I can think of no good reason for this to be hidden to students. One reason coul...
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@Stef_retired I see. Is there a way for the instructor to make it visible to students? What is the reason that it's only visible to instructors? This implies that discussions are to be student...
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A discussion post doesn't include a date and time stamp! I see now that replies to discussions have a date stamp. There's also a "last reply" date stamp in the discussions overview, bu...
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@Stef_retired Thanks for the reply. I hope that you or someone else can tell me what the thought behind this is, as I can think of no good reason for this to be hidden to students. One reason coul...
Mar 18, 2021 2:03:41 PM
@Stef_retired I see. Is there a way for the instructor to make it visible to students? What is the reason that it's only visible to instructors? This implies that discussions are to be student...
Mar 18, 2021 12:51:36 PM
A discussion post doesn't include a date and time stamp! I see now that replies to discussions have a date stamp. There's also a "last reply" date stamp in the discussions overview, bu...
Mar 18, 2021 11:47:08 AM

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