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Jun 26, 2022 1:17:05 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Thank you for the response, and hopefully this will be possible soon.
Has this been resolved?In the Classic version, you have the option to select specific questions from an Item Bank when creating a Question Group. However, this feature is not available in the New Quiz...
In my rush to check the attendance, it was placed on a different date. Is there a way for me to just get the attendance that I logged and transfer it to the correct date? Since there are total of 153 ...
Thank you for this. Unfortunately, Classic has been disabled as an option for us.
Hopefully, the bulk New Quizzes download will be running by the end of the month.
Is it possible to use two rubrics to grade one assessment in Canvas? If so, how can I do this?
The teacher has given the students two options for their report: they can submit either a video or a writ...
Most Recent Posts
In my rush to check the attendance, it was placed on a different date. Is there a way for me to just get the attendance that I logged and transfer it to the correct date? Since there are total of 153 ...
Thank you for this. Unfortunately, Classic has been disabled as an option for us.
Hopefully, the bulk New Quizzes download will be running by the end of the month.
Thank you for the response, and hopefully this will be possible soon.
Is it possible to use two rubrics to grade one assessment in Canvas? If so, how can I do this?
The teacher has given the students two options for their report: they can submit either a video or a writ...
Has this been resolved?In the Classic version, you have the option to select specific questions from an Item Bank when creating a Question Group. However, this feature is not available in the New Quiz...
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