
Corey Stroeder
Community Member
Aug 13, 2024 12:43:00 PM
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I believe eLearning can be better. After many years working in academia focused on web design and multimedia, my professional journey came to an abrupt change thanks to the pandemic. The resulting layoff left me pondering my career and returning to school was necessary to not only determine a refocus of my path, but to rediscover a niche I can be passionate about. Reflecting upon my professional experience, I found a lot of joy helping educators create effective online learning experiences for students. With this realization, I attended an eLearning certificate program to become better versed with the online education process. Interestingly, inspiration struck not by the course material but by how the material was presented on the Learning Management System (LMS). Throughout the courses, it became clear to me that poorly constructed eLearning experiences could be a systemic problem throughout institutions delivering curriculum online. For several years, I have pondered these challenges I discovered and began to realize the greater impact to not only institutions’ ability to achieve their own Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) mandates but potentially negatively impact overall student learning success. This journey has led to me developing the concept Student User Experience (SUX). SUX is intended to have a human-centric focus that leverages best practices centered around an HTML-first strategy to ensure educators create effective and inclusive eLearning experiences, institutions reliably achieve and maintain EDI expectations, and students successfully learn regardless of their capabilities.

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