Weighing the Grades

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Sirs: I am trying to understand how CANVAS weighs the grades. For example, the quizzes (or the average of them) will weigh 30% of the total grade, 20% midterm I, 20% midterm II, and 30% the Final Exam. What is the best way to incorporate those percentages to get to the final grades for the students? 

The quizzes are already in progress: we will have Quiz 5 today. Can, after this Quiz 5, I average all five and weigh the results already? 

Thanks so much for the attention and time. 

Carlos Pacheco, Ph.D.
NMR Senior University Lecturer
NJIT/Chemistry and Environmental Science
Tiernan Hall - Rm. B008 (office); B006 (NMR lab)
Newark, NJ 07102
Emails: pacheco@njit.edu; carlos.n.pacheco@njit.edu;
Ph# (office): 973-596-6534; (lab): 973-596-6551;
(m) 609-240-5957

1 Solution
Community Champion

I'm not reading this the same way as the others. It sounds like they're taking something very simple and trying to make it difficult. I'm probably missing something. I don't see that he's wanting to weight the grades within the quiz category, it sounds like he's wanting to count the average of the quiz category as 30% of the overall class grade.

It sounds like a straight-forward weighted gradebook, which is described in the Canvas Instructor Guide lesson that Kelley linked to: How do I weight the final course grade based on assignment groups? 

One tricky thing may be that the average of the quizzes is based on the number of points, not the number of quizzes. The average is the total number of points scored on all of the quizzes divided by the number of points possible. It is not the number of points scored divided by the number of quizzes. If the quizzes all have the same number of points, the math comes out the same.

Another potential issue is that until you have grades in a category, it will exclude that category from your score for the class.

  • If the only thing you have right now are quiz scores, then the class grade would show 80%.
  • If you have an 80% quiz average and a 60% midterm I score, then your grade will be (80*30%+60*20%)/(30%+20%) = 72%. The midterm II and final won't figure into the grades at all until there is a score for them.

Most people want it this way, but there are some who want to say those students have 80*30%+60*20%=36 points towards the overall grade in the course. If that's the case, then that professor would need to enter 0's for the other groups.

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