作为学生,我该如何使用控制面板中的待办事项 (To Do) 列表和侧栏?
在课程卡视图控制面板 (Card View Dashboard) 和近期活动控制面板 (Recent Activity Dashboard) 里,侧栏包含待办事项清单和其他分组,帮助您了解您所有课程内预告的作业和事件。侧栏包含讲师身份和学生身份的专用项目。如果您用多个用户身份注册了 Canvas 课程,侧栏会显示两个身份的项目。
该侧栏类似于您的课程主页 (Course Home Page) 中显示的侧栏,但课程侧栏只包含特定课程的项目。根据您的课程主页 (Course Home Page) 的设置,课程内的侧栏可能包含除该侧栏所示项目外的额外分组。
注意:您还可以从列表视图控制面板 (List View Dashboard) 查看待办事项 (To Do) 列表的项目。
00:07: How do I use the to-do list inside bar in the dashboard as a student? 00:12: In global navigation. Click the dashboard link. 00:16: The sidebar shows various action items in all your courses. 00:18: Each item is associated with a specific course. 00:22: All items from all your active courses display in the sidebar, not 00:26: just favorited courses in the dashboard. 00:30: Four-course identification. Each side bar item displays a course 00:34: code or short name. For the course, the course code is located 00:38: directly below. The full course name 00:41: Course, nicknames can be set in place of, sidebar, course codes that are long or otherwise 00:45: confusing to remember, which courses, they represent. 00:48: If you have created a nickname for a course, the nickname displays 00:52: in the sidebar instead of the course code. 00:54: However, the original course, code always displays in the 00:58: course card. 01:00: The sidebar helps you see what you need to do next and what feedback you've received across 01:04: all your courses? However, assignments that are not graded 01:08: or do not require an online submission, only display until the due date. 01:14: The to do section shows up to seven items with due dates or event dates in 01:18: the upcoming weeks, including ungraded, quizzes assignments. 01:22: That do not require a canvas submission, and course, announcements each 01:26: item in the to-do list displays the assignment name, the course name, the 01:30: number of points, and the due date for the assignment. 01:33: Once the due date has passed items remain, in this section 01:37: for 4 weeks, 01:40: The recent feedback section Show's, assignments with feedback from your instructor or appear 01:44: during the last 4 weeks. 01:47: The View grades button links to the dashboard grades page and displays grades 01:51: for all active courses. 01:54: Each section item displays an icon to differentiate between different assignment 01:58: types and other items in The To Do List. 02:02: If a section contains more items and can be shown, you can do all 02:06: to-do items using the show. All link this link directs you to 02:10: the list view dashboard. 02:12: To remove a to-do item, click the remove icon, the items remain 02:16: removed from the list. 02:18: If Allowed by your institution, you may also be able to create a new course from 02:22: the dashboard. 02:24: This guy covered how to use The To Do List and sidebar in the dashboard as a student.

在全局导航,打开控制面板 (Dashboard) 的链接。

关于课程标识,每个侧栏项目显示课程代码或课程简称 [1]。课程代码位于课程全名的正下方。
如果侧栏课程代码过长或难以记住其代表的课程,可以设置课程昵称来取代侧栏课程代码。如果您给课程创建了昵称,昵称会代替课程代码显示在侧栏内 [2]。但是,原始课程代码始终显示在课程卡内。

侧栏帮助您查看接下来需要做什么,以及您在所有课程中收到的反馈。但是, 非评分或不需要在线提交的作业只显示截止日期。
待办事项 (To Do) 栏显示截止日期或事件日期处于未来几周的七个项目,包括未评分的测验、不要求 Canvas 提交项的作业,以及课程公告 [1]。待办事项 (To Do) 清单中的每个项目显示作业名称、课程名称、绩点值和作业截止日期。一旦截止日期过后,项目在此保留四个星期。
最近反馈 (Recent Feedback) 分组显示最近四周含有讲师或同行反馈的作业 [2]。
查看评分 (View Grades) 按钮链接至控制面板评分 (Dashboard Grades) 页面,并显示所有活跃课程的评分 [3]。

每个分组项目显示图标,用于区分不同的作业类型和待办事项 (To Do) 列表内的其他项目 [1]。
如果分组包含的项目数量超过了可以显示的项目数量,您可以使用显示所有 (Show All) 链接来查看所有待办事项 [2]。该链接把您引向列表视图控制面板 (List View Dashboard)。
要移除一个待办事项的项目,点击移除图标 [3]。项目仍从列表中移除。
注意:通过Canvas提交的作业会自动从待办事项中消失; 非提交作业(纸/课堂上提交) 必须手动地从列表移除。