我该如何在最近活动控制面板 (Recent Activity Dashboard) 中查看所有课程的全局活动?
最近活动控制面板 (Recent Activity Dashboard) 向您显示您所有课程最近的重要活动,包括公告、讨论、作业和对话。该流类似于个别课程的课程活动流 (Course Activity Stream)。
下列活动将导致每门课程的通知显示在最近活动控制面板 (Recent Activity Dashboard) 中:
- 新公告
- 公告的回复
- 新讨论
- 新讨论的帖子
- 新作业
- 作业、测验或讨论从未评分变为已评分
- 作业、测验和讨论的截止日期变更
- 新的已评分作业
- 新的同行评审作业
- 新会话消息
最近活动控制面板 (Recent Activity Dashboard) 还包含控制面板侧栏,其中包含您的待办事项清单中的项目,以及通往全局评分 (Grades) 页面的链接。
- 文件 (Files)、协作 (Collaborations)、评分 (Grades)、页面 (Pages) 或会议 (Conferences) 中的活动;未评分的测验和调查;或对讨论 (Discussions) 所做的编辑在最近活动控制面板 (Recent Activity Dashboard) 中不显示通知。
- 在课程中选择通知用户该内容已更改 (Notify users that this content has changed) 按钮时,对讨论 (Discussions) 和作业 (Assignments) 所做的编辑才会显示在最近活动控制面板 (Recent Activity Dashboard) 中。
- 要接收讨论 (Discussions) 通知,您必须至少每两周一次积极地在讨论中发布帖子。如果您在两周后停止参与讨论,Canvas 将不再显示讨论通知。
00:07: How do I view Global activity for all my courses in the recent activity dashboard, 00:11: as a student? 00:13: In global navigation. Click the dashboard link. 00:17: Click the options icon and then click the recent activity link. 00:21: The global activity stream contains recent notifications, from all of your courses, 00:25: including announcements discussions, assignments, and conversations 00:30: this activity stream helps. 00:32: You see all recent activity in your courses and easily asked questions and post 00:36: a discussion forums? Unlike course cards, the activity stream 00:40: does not mimic the visibility, of course, navigation links. 00:45: New activity in your account is indicated by a nun. 00:47: Red icon discussions in announcements. 00:50: Indicate new activity items published in a course and conversations 00:54: indicate a new message received from a user and of course, recent 00:58: activity items remain for 4 weeks. 01:02: Access the recent activity. 01:05: You can view the details of each activity by hovering in the notification area 01:09: and clicking the show more link to collapse recent activity. 01:13: Click the show less link. 01:16: You can directly access your recent activities by clicking. 01:19: The course link to remove a notification. 01:21: Click the remove icon 01:24: This guy covered how to view Global activity for all my courses in the recent 01:28: activity dashboard, as a student.

在全局导航,打开控制面板 (Dashboard) 的链接。

点击选项图标 [1],然后点击最近活动 (Recent Activity) 链接 [2]。
全局活动流 (Global Activity Stream) 包含您所有课程的最近通知,包括公告、讨论、作业和对话。该活动流帮助您查看您的课程内的所有最近活动,并轻松地提出问题并发布到讨论论坛。不同于课程卡,活动流不模仿课程导航 (Course Navigation) 链接的可见性。
活动由活动类型指示,并显示活动图标 [1]。每项活动还包含其关联课程 [2] 的名称。
您的帐户中的新活动由未读图标 [3] 指示。讨论 (Discussions) 和公告 (Announcements) 指示课程内发布的新活动项目,会话 (Conversations) 指示课程内的用户收到的新消息。最近活动项目保留四周。