How do I enable self-enrollment in an account and allow students to self-enroll in a course?
Self-enrollment can be enabled in account settings. Enabling self-enrollment give instructors the ability to allow students to use a join code or click a button to enroll themselves in a course. By default, self-enrollment is disabled for the account.
Once this feature is enabled, instructors can enable self-enrollment in Course Settings.
00:07: How do I enable self? Enrollment in an account and allow students to self enroll in 00:11: a course? 00:13: In global navigation click the admin link then click the name of 00:17: the account. 00:19: The settings portion of your account is only available to Canvas admins. 00:23: In account navigation click the settings link 00:28: In the settings, tab locate the allow self enrollment drop-down menu. 01:06: Select the type of self enrollment permission, you want to enable To 01:10: enable courses that aren't linked to any sis data or affected by sis Imports. 01:14: Click the for manually, created courses option, To 01:18: enable any type, of course, whether manually created or created using the 01:23: sis import tool, click the for any courses option. 01:28: Click the update settings button. 01:32: This guide covered how to enable self, enrollment in an account and allow students to 01:36: self enroll in a course.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open Settings

In Account Settings, click the Settings link.
Allow Self-Enrollment

In the Settings tab, locate the Allow Self-Enrollment drop-down menu.
Set Self-Enrollment

Select the type of self-enrollment permission you want to enable.
To enable courses that aren’t linked to any SIS data or affected by SIS imports, click the For Manually-Created Courses option [1].
To enable any type of course, whether manually-created or created using the SIS Import tool, click the For Any Courses option [2].
Update Settings

Click the Update Settings button.