How do I import SIS data to a Canvas account?
SIS data can be uploaded through the SIS Imports link in Account Settings. SIS data is only accessible at the account level and cannot be added to sub-accounts.
The SIS Import page supports a few formats for standard imports to Canvas: Instructure formatted CSV file or a zip file of CSV files, IMS Enterprise Specification XML zip, or Banner Grade Exchange Results XML. Files can be set for a full batch update and to override UI changes.
Please ensure you are aware of the risks associated with these upload options. For more details about these risks, please view the SIS Imports lesson.
API Processing
SIS Imports are added to a queue that processes each imported CSV separately (whether uploaded individually or within a ZIP file). Import errors are displayed in the SIS Import page.
API Practice
Before importing SIS information, practice using the API to manage SIS data. You should also use your test environment to avoid conflicts with your live production data. Once you have confirmed your data in your test environment, you can re-apply your SIS integration to your production environment. Additionally, some SIS data options are only available via the API.
- SIS Imports must be enabled by your Customer Success Manager before files can be uploaded to your account.
- Importing SIS files is an account permission. If you do not have access to manage SIS files, your institution has restricted this feature.
- Before setting permission for a user role, you must ensure the role you want to assign the user already exists in your account. Learn how to create an account-level role.
Troubleshooting Tip: Certain fields become "sticky" when information is modified directly by a user or administrator. Stickiness prevents automatic changes via a SIS Import. If changes do not occur after importing SIS data, users may have made changes through the user interface (UI). You can override changes using the Override UI changes option.
If you use an automated system to import data from a SIS, you may want to restrict users from editing their name directly in Canvas. To prevent users from modifying their own names, de-select the Users can edit their name option in account settings.
You can see a full list of fields that may become sticky on the SIS Import API page.
00:07: How do I import sis data to a canvas account? 00:12: In global navigation click the admin link then click the name of 00:16: the account. 00:18: In account, navigation, click the sis import link. 00:22: Click the choose file button and locate the sis import file from your computer. 00:27: In the import type menu, select the type of import you are uploading into 00:31: canvas. By default the menu selects the CSV 00:35: import option. 00:37: If you want to create a full batch update select the, this is a full batch update 00:41: checkbox a warning informs users of the risks associated with selecting 00:45: the, this is a full batch update checkbox. 00:48: In the term, drop-down menu, select the term for the full batch update. 00:53: With this option, any courses sections or enrollments within 00:57: sysid record. In canvas, that is linked to the term selected in the dropdown can 01:01: be deleted. For enrollments, this option means the linked user 01:05: and course sections requires. 01:09: A canvas record will be deleted if it is not included in the current import file. 01:14: This option will only affect data created via sis Imports manually 01:19: created courses. For example, won't be deleted even if they don't appear 01:23: in the new sis import. 01:26: If you want to override changes in the user interface, oui select 01:30: the override UI changes checkbox. 01:33: This change tells canvas to overwrite any sticky data Changed by users 01:37: in their accounts with the data. You are importing. 01:41: If this box is not checked when doing a new user's import no name changes 01:45: will be overridden in the UI. But if the user removed their listed email 01:49: address, it will be re-added but not marked the fault. 01:53: If this box is checked when doing a new users import the full name and 01:57: sortable name will change but the display name is not change. 02:01: The email address is added but still not marked the fault. 02:07: Overriding UI changes. Also allows one of two additional options process 02:11: as UI changes or clear. We change state. 02:15: You can only select one option. If you want to select 02:19: an option, select the checkbox next to your preference. 02:24: Processes UI changes overrides changes that have taken place 02:28: in the UI as sticky data all data acts as if the changes were actually 02:32: manually updated in the UI. If you want to select an option 02:36: select the checkbox next to your preference. 02:41: Clear we changed State removes the stickiness of all data that exists 02:45: in this import future Imports with this data will not indicate any 02:49: data in the UI as sticky if you want to select an options select 02:53: the checkbox next to your preference. 02:57: Click the process data button. 03:12: After clicking the process data button, a confirmation modal displays, 03:16: click cancel to stop or confirm to proceed. 03:20: When the import has processed canvas displays the results of the imported file 03:24: along with up to 50 errors and warnings. 03:27: If you imported a full batch update the results also show the number of deleted 03:31: items removed from the account. Deleted items include enrollments 03:36: courses and sections. After you refresh the 03:40: page this information will stay in the sis import page under the last batch 03:44: heading until another important is made. 03:48: If you want to download all warnings and errors from your last import file return 03:52: to the sis import page. Under the last batch heading click 03:56: the last batch download icon. A CSV file downloads 04:00: and contains all errors and warnings from your last import. 04:05: The guide covered how to import sis data to Canvas account.
Open Account

In Global Navigation, click the Admin link [1], then click the name of the account [2].
Open SIS Import

In Account Navigation, click the SIS Import link.
Select File

Click the Choose File button and locate the SIS import file from your computer.
Select Import Type

In the Import Type menu, select the type of import you are uploading into Canvas. By default, the menu selects the CSV import option.
Set Full Batch Update
If you want to create a full batch update, select the This is a full batch update checkbox [1], a warning informs users of the risks associated with selecting the This is a full batch update checkbox. In the Term drop-down menu [2], select the term for the full batch update. With this option, any courses, sections, or enrollments with an SIS ID record in Canvas that is linked to the Term selected in the drop-down can be deleted. For enrollments, this option means the linked user and course/sections require SIS IDs. A Canvas record will be deleted if it is not included in the current import file.
This option will only affect data created via previous SIS imports. Manually created courses, for example, won't be deleted even if they don't appear in the new SIS import.
Notes: Ensure you are aware of the associated risks before selecting this option.
Override UI Changes

If you want to override changes in the user interface (UI), select the Override UI changes checkbox. This change tells Canvas to overwrite any "sticky" data changed by users in their accounts with the data your are importing.
- If this box is NOT checked when doing a new users import, no name changes will be overridden in the UI, but if the user removed their listed email address it will be re-added but not marked default.
- If this box IS checked when doing a new users import, the full name and sortable name will change, but the display name is not changed. The email address is added but still not marked default.
Select UI Option
Overriding UI changes also allows one of two additional options: process as UI changes or clear UI-changed state. You can only select one option.
If you want to select an options, select the checkbox next to your preference:
- Process as UI changes [1]: overrides changes that have taken place in the UI as "sticky" data; all data acts as if the changes were actually manually updated in the UI
- Clear UI-changed state [2]: removes the "stickiness" of all data that exists in this import; future imports with this data will not indicate any data in the UI as "sticky"
Process Data

Click the Process Data button.
Confirm Changes

After clicking the Process Data button, a confirmation modal displays. Click Cancel [1] to stop or Confirm [2] to proceed.
View Import Data

When the import has processed, Canvas displays the results of the imported file, along with up to 50 errors and warnings. If you imported a full batch update, the results also show the number of deleted items removed from the account. Deleted items include enrollments, courses, and sections.
After you refresh the page, this information will stay in the SIS Import page under the Last Batch heading until another import is made.
Download Errors

If you want to download all warnings and errors from your last import file, return to the SIS Import page. Under the Last Batch heading [1], click the Last Batch Download icon [2]. A CSV file downloads and contains all errors and warnings from your last import.
- You may need to refresh the page to view the download icon.
- If the report is downloaded, the link expires after an hour. If the page is refreshed, a new URL is generated and active for one hour.
Review Errors
If you find a file has failed, review any error messages that are available to you. Note the following when reviewing errors:
- You may find that the file itself had an error message, or that particular lines in the file failed.
- You can use the SIS Import Errors API for additional troubleshooting details, which will return the CSV line number where the error occurred.
- The CSV requires specific formatting to upload properly. In particular, review the CSV headers. Learn more about formatting CSV files.
- SIS Import CSV files must be encoded in UTF-8 without byte order mark. Most applications automatically encode for UTF-8, though some programs, such as Microsoft Excel, will change to an alternate encoding. If your software is capable of encoding files out of UTF-8, select UTF-8 as an option when saving.
- Certain error messages require you to contact support to review.