We run 5 face to face courses (details below) we moved to the idea of showing what is possible with the tool rather than the click here, click here to do “X” When we launched here in Birmingham we had over 600 people through these courses in the first few weeks. Faculty teams also ran bespoke sessions we supported centrally.
CAN01 – Introduction to Canvas - A general introduction to Canvas and the suite of initial training courses developed by the eLearning Team. Includes orientation to general principles of Canvas, and brief overview of core tools and features.
- General Introduction to the initial suite of five courses
- Brief overview of Canvas principles (terminology, openness, mobile)
- User roles in Canvas
- Basic orientation to Canvas interface
- Overview of core Canvas tools
CAN02 – Content management and different
An introduction to the different ways in which content can be created and delivered using Canvas.
- Overview of three main topic areas
- Overview of Pages (Principles, Editor and screen options, Types of content)
- Overview of Files
- Overview of Modules
- Building structure and sequence
- Course Home Page
CAN03 Canvas: communication tools - An introduction to the features of Canvas that can facilitate communication and dialogue with students.
- Announcements (Making / Editing)
- Discussions (Starting a discussion
- Discussion settings
- Conversations
- The conversations environment
- Create a new message
- Chat Tool
CAN04 creating and managing assignments - This course provides an overview of the facilities within Canvas for the creation and processing of assignments.
- Overview of the canvas assignment tool
- Creation process for assignments
- Managing assignments via Gradebook tool
- Creation and use of Rubrics
- Marking options available both online and offline
- Marking using the SpeedGrader
- Mechanisms of providing feedback to students
- Using Turnitin to promote academic integrity
CAN05 - computer-marked assessments - An introduction to the use of self-assessment quizzes and surveys in Canvas.
- Types of quiz (graded, practice, survey)
- Quiz settings
- Question types
- Embedding images and course content within quizzes
- Using question groups to present different questions on each attempt
- Feedback options
- Question banks
- Viewing student responses
- Allowing extra time or attempts for individual students
- Quiz statistics
In addition to the above we run drop in sessions or bespoke courses for Course Administration staff which covers how you can use Canvas tools to administer assignments, enrolments etc
Hope this helps
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