[ARCHIVED] Hiding grades after EACH student

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Canvas used to have "mute" assignment. Now, it has "hide grade". When I  start grading a class, and I select "hide grade", the eyeball econ has the line through it, suggesting the grades will be hidden, but they are not. I now have to hit "hide grade" after EACH student to see the red "hidden" note above their score. 

I've gone to "Hide for Specific Sections", but nothing changes. The eyeball has the line through it, but students' grade are not truly hidden until I see the red "hidden" note above their grade. Therefore, I have to hide "hide grade" after each piece of work I grade.

Is there a solution to this?

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1 Solution
Community Champion

Hi Molly,

Hide is not exactly the same as what Mute used to be.  Hide only works to hide previously entered grades.  This page explains what is happening when you use the hide option How do I hide grades that were previously posted in the Gradebook?   For what is sounds like you want to do which is similar to how Mute used to work, you'll need to use a post policy set to manual, which lets you have more control over when students get to see their grades.  Below is a link which should help with that.  

How do I select a grade posting policy for an assignment in the Gradebook? 

Hope that helps,


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