Hello there!
I am not certain if this is what you want, but I read your question to ask if you can have a PDF (or other embedded file) auto-load in a page without a link?
If this is the case, I am using some HTML to do so. Here's the string:
<p style="font-size: 0px;">
<a class="auto_open instructure_file_link instructure_scribd_file"></a>
Copy the HTML in red above over the HTML between the red brackets in the screen shot below (the default string Canvas brings in when you embed a file through the course link):
So it ends up looking like this:
As the HTML shows, you are basically setting the link font size to "0", making it invisible. In order for the file to open (since there isn't a link anymore, or it's invisible) you see the auto-open feature.
As above, you can use this for a PDF or a PowerPoint.
Hope this helps!
Jamie 🙂
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