[ARCHIVED] where is the free office download?

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where to find the download for microsoft office

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1 Solution
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Community Coach

Hello  @colegait  Welcome to the Canvas Community.  Thank you for posting your question.  I'm not sure if you realized this or not, but you have posted your question to the global Canvas Community website where people from all over the world come to ask/answer questions, submit/vote on Feature Ideas, join and participate in groups, collaborate with others, check out "how to" Guides, and quite a bit more...all about Canvas.  Your question about how to get Microsoft Office is one that should be directed to people at your school rather than here in the Community.  You might try reaching to your school's IT department or your school's local Canvas administrator or your school's Online Learning/eLearning department.  Someone there should be able to direct you as to whether or not you are able to get Microsoft Office.  I hope this will be of help to you, Nicole.  Good luck to you!

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