What You Wish You Knew as a New Canvas Admin



What You Wish You Knew As a New Canvas Admin

Gathering Ideas for Canvas Certified Admin

What’s Included in This Post?
• We're building Canvas Certified Admin (yay!)
• We want to hear what your advice to new admins is
• We have a few ways you can share your ideas


Are you a Canvas Admin? Have you helped to roll out a small or large-scale implementation and adoption of Canvas? This post is for you. The Canvas Certified Team is building a new offering - Canvas Certified Admin - and we need your input! We want to hear all about what you wish you knew, mistakes you made along the way, and what you think is important for us to include in a certification program that specifically targets new Canvas Admins. 

Something New Is Coming!

We launched Canvas Certified Educator in November 2020, and it wasn't long before we heard, "When are you going to offer Canvas Certified Admin?" We've always known this was the next big thing we wanted to build in the Canvas Certified suite, and now is the time!

Right now, the Canvas Certified team is starting to build this new offering, focusing on Canvas Admins, to guide them through implementation and adoption. We can't do this alone, so this is where you come in!

Tell Us What You Think We Should Include

We need your input. When you began your journey as a Canvas Admin, what did you wish you knew ahead of time? What were the skills you needed? What programs did you use? How did you keep it all organized and run like a well-oiled machine?  

In addition, what advice would you give to any new Canvas Admin before beginning this journey?

PRO TIP: When we say Canvas Admin, we mean anyone with the Admin shield in a Canvas instance who has permissions to make changes to the Admin area of an instance, including subaccount admins and those with limited admin access. 



We're ready to hear all of your ideas for what we need to include! You can respond in two ways:

  1. Complete this form and/or
  2. Respond below and tag @erin_keefe  and/or @KCTesterman 

Either way, you are helping to guide the future users of Canvas, and we thank you for that!

Final Thoughts


We really can't do this without you. Thank you for considering adding your valuable advice so we can make sure all of the new Canvas Admins are ready to be awesome.  


Our Canvas Certified team is committed to creating asynchronous, facilitated professional learning that is high-impact and meaningful. We currently offer Canvas Certified Educator, and are working on additional offerings. If you would like to learn more about our Canvas Certified Educator, you can visit our Canvas Certified Educator FAQs or send us an email at cce@instructure.com