Manging custom sections in large courses

Community Participant

Hi all.

My school just made the switch from Blackboard to Canvas and we are having some problems organizing sections in our large online courses.

We contract with a company that provides academic "coaches" who aren't employed by our university. They must be manually enrolled into each class. Each coach is assigned a specific number of students, so we must create sections within a course, and divide the students into each section. Groups will not work for them as they don't provide a way to filter the gradebook. Sections are the only way to reproduce Blackboard's smartviews for each coach--this is something they demand.

Creating this scenario in Bb was time consuming and tedious but it is much, much worse in Canvas. Currently, and this is the pilot run, we have to perform two SIS Imports per class to create sections and enroll students, since the Canvas UI does not allow one to enroll multiple students per section.

On top of that, only users with a administrative role are able to remove students from a section if they've been enrolled via SIS import. In Blackboard we used manually enrolled groups and all teachers and TAs could move students at will. 

The only solution I see at the moment is having all these custom sections created in our instance of Peoplesoft. But until we get verification that is possible, I'm wondering what other schools have done to address these issues.
