How do I create or add an issuer in Canvas Badges or Canvas Credentials?
A badge issuer is an organization, department, or individual issuing badges.
To set up badging in a Canvas course you must have an issuer.
Open Issuers

In Credentials Navigation, click the Issuers link.
Create Issuer

To create an issuer, click the Create issuer button.
Add New Issuer Details

To add an issuer name, type the name in the Name field [1].
Add your institution's or organization's URL to the Issuer website field [2].
To add a contact email for the issuer, select an existing email from the drop-down menu [3].
To add a description for the individual, group, institution, or organization managing the Issuer, enter a description in the Issuer description field [4].
To add an image to the issuer profile from your computer, click or drag and drop an image file to the Issuer image uploader [5].
By default, new issuers display on your organization's public page. To hide the issuer from your organization's public page, deselect the Show on Organization Public Page checkbox [6].
Review Instructure's Data Processing Addendum policy. To accept the terms, click the I have read and agree to the Data Processor Addendum checkbox [7].
Add Existing Issuer

To add an existing issuer, click the Options icon [1] and click the Add existing issuer link [2]
Select Existing Issuer
To select an existing issuer, click the Select button next to the issuer's name.
Save Existing Issuer

To add the existing issuer, click the Finish button.