How do I bulk upload files?
If you have a lot of files to add, you can bulk upload them in Files.
Learn how to access your personal user files, course files, or group files.
- You can also bulk upload files by dragging and dropping the files into Canvas from your computer. However, sometimes too many files can cause problems. If you have more than 50 files, try zipping the files and uploading the ZIP file into your course.
- If you are using Usage Rights, you must set the file usage rights before the files can be published.
- Canvas does not support file uploads larger than 5 GB.
- You can also upload a single file.
00:07: How do I bulk upload files? 00:10: In user or group files click the upload button. 00:14: Select the files. You want to upload to your user or group files? To 00:19: select a group of files hold down the shift key on your keyboard and click the first 00:23: and last files in the group. To select multiple files 00:27: hold down the Ctrl windows or Command MAC 00:32: key on your keyboard and click each file. 00:36: Click the open Button. 00:38: You can also drag and drop multiple files to upload to your user or group 00:42: files. Select multiple files and drag them to the files 00:46: pane to upload them. 00:49: If a file with the same name already exists in the folder where you are uploading your file 00:53: you will be asked if you want to replace or rename it. 00:57: To rename the file Click Change name button. 01:00: This option will create a duplicate copy of the file with a different name. 01:05: To replace the file click the replace button. 01:09: A progress bar displays to show the progress of each file upload. 01:14: View your uploaded files. 01:17: This guide covered how to bulk upload files
Open Files

In Account, Group, or Course Navigation, click the Files link.
Upload Files

Click the Upload button.
Open Files

Select the files you want to upload to your course [1].
To select a group of files, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click the first and last files in the group.
To select multiple files, hold down the Control (Windows) or Command (Mac) key on your keyboard and click each file.
Click the Open button [2].
View Upload Process

View the progress bars for the file uploads.
Drag and Drop Multiple Files

You can also drag and drop multiple files to upload to your user or group files. Select multiple files and drag them to the files pane to upload them.
Replace Duplicate File

If a file with the same name already exists in the folder where you are uploading your file, you will be asked if you want to skip, replace, or rename it.
To skip the file, click the Skip button [1].
To rename the file, click Change Name button [2]. This option will create a duplicate copy of the file with a different name.
To replace the file, click the Replace button [3].
View Upload Progress

A progress bar displays to show the progress of each file upload.
View Files

View the added files.