How do I add a category to a catalog?
When managing catalog categories as a Canvas Catalog admin, you can create categories for your catalog and subcatalogs. Categories are created from tags and subcatalog names.
Any categories in the parent catalog can automatically apply to subcatalogs. However, you can choose to create your own categories for a subcatalog.
- If a subcatalog is inheriting categories from a parent catalog, you cannot add a new category.
- When viewing a parent catalog, the subcatalog list displays all subcatalogs in the account.
Open Admin

Click the User Name drop-down menu [1]. Then, click the Admin link [2].
Open Categories

Click the Categories tab.
Select Subcatalog Categories
Click the Inherit categories from catalog ancestry toggle off [1].
To add a category based on the name of a subcatalog, select the Showing sub-catalogs option in the drop-down menu [2]. Locate the name of a subcatalog and select its checkbox [3]. You can select multiple subcatalogs at one time.
Note: When viewing a subcatalog, the subcatalog list only displays subcatalogs that descend directly from the subcatalog you are viewing.
Select Tag Categories
Click the Inherit categories from catalog ancestry toggle off [1].
To add a category based on a tag, select the Showing tags option in the drop-down menu [2]. Locate a tag name and select its checkbox [3]. You can select multiple tags at one time.
Save Catalog

Click the Save button.